Karen Comber is a very talented artist who has often visited Greece. She has been there several times on holiday and after seeing so many stray cats, read up on the situation and came across our site.
She has been donating monthly to our charity for a while now, however, she would like to try and help a little bit more. She has been painting scenes from Greece and as such has worked on some Greek Cat paintings based on photos of cats taken during her holidays in Greece.
One original painting (now sold) raised £100.00 for our charity. There are other paintings on Karen’s website for sale which will help raise money for us. Information on how much Karen donates for each sale is set out on the site.
Karen has painted several Greek cat scenes and put together a special page on her website.
Please do have a look at her site. All of her work is superb and there are some beautiful paintings of Greece there as well.